Happy National Dog Day! Every year, millions of proud dog owners dedicate an entire day to their pups. National Dog Day is dedicated to spoiling your dog rotten and caring for those less fortunate canines, too. What should you do to celebrate? Think of August 26th as your pet’s second birthday. Dedicate the day to doing things they love and enjoy. Here are just a few things you can do to make your pup happy on this special day.

  • Take a trip to the beach
  • Groom him/her in an at-home doggie day spa
  • Take pictures with a professional photographer
  • Have a get-together with fellow dog owners
  • Gift your buddy new toys and treats
  • Visit the doggy park for some socializing and playtime

On National Dog Day, pet owners and citizens alike are encouraged to donate to their local shelters to help increasingly over-populated shelters across the nation. We suggest donating supplies like food, blankets and toys to your local shelter and volunteer whenever possible. Also, encourage friends and family to adopt pets from shelters rather than puppy mills.

About National Dog Day

The goal of National Dog Day is to spur public awareness about the number of dogs needing rescue each year. The day also serves to celebrate family and service dogs that work so diligently to save lives and bring comfort. This hallmark holiday for our furry friends was founded in 2004 by Colleen Paige, a pet and family lifestyle expert and animal advocate. Paige also founded National Puppy Day, National Mutt Day and National Cat Day.

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