Does your pet have unlimited energy, or do they prefer to be a couch potato? Regardless of their stamina, our veterinarians agree that your pet’s life can only be improved when they are physical. There’s no better time to start a healthy habit than during National Canine Fitness Month. This April, practice these healthy tips with your best friend!

Enjoy the Fresh Air

Exercise isn’t always fun, but playtime with your pet can be! Consider:

  • Go for a walk or run with your pet.
  • Practice training games with your dog.
  • Play fetch in the backyard a few times a day.
  • Schedule play dates with your dog’s best friends.
  • Take walks when it is least hot for a comfortable stroll.
  • Visit new environments your dog to see and smell, such as the beach.

Walking Improves Pet Behavior

Exercising is healthy for your dog, but it can also improve your pet’s behavior. If your pet has trouble sleeping at night, playtime, running, or walking can help tire them out. You can also improve their demeanor by going for walks at a non-peak time, such as the early morning or late evening.

Exercising for Senior Dogs

Exercising helps your senior dog improve their circulation and heart function. Remember, the activity you choose with your pet needs to be appropriate for your dog’s level of strength and stamina. If your senior dog has an underlying condition, ask our veterinarians if they need physical therapy.

Signs your senior dog may be struggling physically, include:

  • Hesitating to climb stairs
  • Reluctance to go for walks
  • Only tolerating shorter distances
  • Having difficulty getting up after a nap

Schedule an Annual Exam for Your Dog

Your dog’s happiness begins with their healthiness. Call (956) 787 – 2709 with any questions you may have regarding your pet’s health or nutritional needs.

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