Why You Should Adopt Your Next Dog

If you’ve been thinking about adding a furry, loving pet to your family, now would be the perfect time to do it. The American Humane Association is celebrating “Adopt-a-Dog” month in October. Likewise, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) celebrates “Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.” The American Humane Association encourages... Read More

Caring For Your Pet During Animal Pain Awareness Month

Humans usually don’t have a hard time expressing pain; we can use speech, nonverbal cues or gestures to communicate with our families or medical providers about our physical discomfort. Animals, on the other hand, can’t directly communicate with their owners or veterinarians about how they are feeling, which is why it’s important for an owner... Read More

Five Signs That Your Furry Loved One Has Ticks

We do our best to take care of our pets, no matter if they’re furry, scaly, feathery or aquatic. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to tell if they’re suffering from an illness or injury as most animals do very well in hiding symptoms. There’s one problem that our furry loved ones can be dealt... Read More

July 15th is National Pet Fire Safety Day!

It is estimated by the National Fire Protection Association that home fires affect half a million pets. Statistics additionally revealed that almost 1,000 of these fires are accidentally started by the homeowner’s pets. To raise awareness about these dangers, the American Kennel Club (AKC) and ADT Security Services have teamed up with the third annual... Read More

6 Simple Tips for Home Rabbit Care

There’s nothing quite like the companionship that only a furry pet can provide. In many cases, cats and dogs fulfill that role flawlessly, but rabbits can also be some of the most amazing pets! They’re adorable, cuddly and can provide loving company to anyone looking for a great pet. In fact, rabbits can make exceptional... Read More

Preventing the Dangers of Lyme Disease in Your Pet

Chances are you’ve spent some post-walk afternoons digging through your dog’s fur in search of those nasty little bugs known as ticks. These external parasites spend their lives feeding on the blood of unfortunate host animals, which, in many cases, happen to be our furry best friends. Unfortunately, ticks can additionally be more than just... Read More

Hiking Guide: Tips for Summertime Dog Treks

The hot summer months are just about here, which means more and more people will be gearing up for the great outdoors in search of a hiking adventure with their families! If you are one of these active individuals and are thinking about taking your pup out with you, then make sure you’re completely ready.... Read More

What to do After Finding an Animal Locked in a Vehicle

Summer has officially arrived in the Rio Grande Valley. We can already expect rising temperatures and sunny skies. This also means staying out of the sun to avoid sunburn and remaining hydrated. The same applies to our four-legged, furry family members. We do our best to take care of our pets, and this includes doing... Read More